Different foods

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nasi Lemak[malay food]
Dumplings[chinese food]

Singapore ~ "Food Paradise"
Singapore commonly known as "Food Paradise" is a multiracial society with people from different cultures living together in harmony.Chinese local dishes such as Char Kway Teow, Hainanese Chicken Rice and Fish Ball Noodles are some of the many mouth-watering dishes available here. Malay food such as nasi lemak and delicacies like Nyonya or Malay cakes can also be found. Furthermore, Indian foods such as the local 'roti prata' and curry puffs are also available in the mornings at the hawker centers. In addition to the local foods, Western foods are also widely available for the many Eurasians living in Singapore. Delicious steaks and fries available at a reasonable price are therefore greatly welcomed.



More about the "races" foods in Singapore
Chinese Food - Famous for their flavor, color and aroma.
- The main diet for Chinese is rice.
- Some Buddhist do not eat beef.
Malay Food - The main Malay delicacy is satay.
- Muslim Malays do not eat pork.
Indian Food - Hindu Tamils do not eat beef.As the Hindu believes that cow is a holy animal that cannot be harmed.


Although there are different race in Singapore, we, Singaporeans can try each types of the differnt races food.Though, we do not share the same language, we share our foods.To remain the good relationship between us, we must respect each of our culture but not saying bad words about the culture.With all this sharing and respect, i believe that we, Singaporeans can stay together as one united country.

Done By:Joanne

8:50 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009


Maria Bertha Hertogh, a Catholic Dutch girl was brought up by a Muslim family after her parents were imprisoned during the Japanese Occupation. Her foster mother married her to a Muslim when her natural parents claimed her after the war. The matter was brought to court where the marriage was declared void and Maria was returned to the Dutch couple. Rioting broke out after the verdict was announced, leaving 18 people dead and 173 injured, and causing much damage to vehicles and buildings.


This riot happened on 11 December 1950 in Singapore as the Muslims, who treated Maria as their own, were angry of the courts decision to give custody of Maria to her biological parents. Thus, most lent their support, financial and moral, to organizations that fought to keep Maria in Malaya while some seized opportunity to further weaken the colonial government's position in the region.



5:20 PM

Racial Harmony


Racial Harmony Day is celebrated in Singapore on 21st July.Racial Harmony Day also represents a day for schools to reflect on, and celebrate Singapore's success as a racially harmonious nation and society built on a rich diversity of culture and heritage. In schools all across the nation on that day, students are encouraged to be dressed in their traditional costumes such as the Cheongsam and the Baju Kurung. Traditional delicacies are also featured in the celebrations. Traditional games such as Kutih-kutih and zero point are played in schools, where inter-class competitions are sometimes organised.




Racial Harmony is very important.Without racial harmony,Singapore cannot remain peace and race riots will start.Racial Harmony is to commemorate the 1964 Race Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964.With these event,we people of Singapore will remember how serious consequences that will happen without racial harmony.

Done By:Joanne

9:52 AM

National Day Rally Speech 2009

A video of the national day rally speech made by our prime minister , Mr Lee Hsien Loong on the 16th of August 2009 . The speech focus mainly on four key issues of Singapore which are HEALTHCARE , ECONOMONY , SOCIAL HARMONY AND THE SHAPING OF SINGAPORE .

Reflections :
The speech made by Mr Lee Hsien Loong is trying to tell the people of Singapore that Singapore is still stable despite the economic crisis. Mr Lee Hsien Loong chose to enphasize on the four key issues as these are the issues that the citizens of Singapore are concern about.

Done By : Vivien

Credits :

Vid -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hecIks_afHE
Pic- http://www.mas.gov.sg/about_us/annual_reports/annual20032004/images/board_of_directors/lee%20hsien%20loong.jpg

9:50 AM

1964 race riots in Singapore

The 1964 Race Riots were a series of riots that took place in Singapore during two separate periods in July and September between Chinese and Malay groups.The first incident occurred on 21 July during a Malay procession that marked Muhammad's birthday. In total, the violence killed 36 people and injured another 556. About 3,000 people were arrested. The riots are also known as the Prophet Muhammad Birthday Riots, 1964 Racial Riots, and 1964 Sino-Malay Riots. At that time, Singapore was a state in the Federation of Malaysia.

credits: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_race_riots_in_Singapore)
The Prophet Muhammad Birthday Riots was happened at Padang, Singapore where about 25,000 Malays gathered there to celebrate the Muslim prophet Muhammad's Birthday on 21st July 1964. The Malays went on to Geylang after the speeches, eventually the group dispersed and there was a policeman whom asked the group that dispersed to rejoin the main crowd. Everything started because the policeman who was chinese asked the malays to rejoin their main. I think the riot was merely misunderstanding between the Chinese and Malays. Many people were sacrificed during the racial riots, lifes were lost innocently.
Lucky Singapore now is in the state of racial harmony. In order to prevent this riots between parties to occur, everyone must not be bias against anyone and also never criticise anyone.


9:43 AM

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello, welcome to the newly created blog for Social Studies on Chapter 5 'Bonding Singapore'
Please give comments on how we could improve on & etc.
Thanks ! :D

10:17 AM

Qiu Xuan - Secretary &
Blog Designer
Vivien - Leader
Joanne - Time-keeper
Cai Yi - IT Coordinator

August 2009

Blogskin - Syafie